Baby Massage One-to-One
Introducing your precious little one to the world is a journey filled with wonder and discovery. Baby massage, a tender and loving practice, not only nurtures your infant's physical development but also fosters a deep emotional connection between you and your baby. In this delightful journey of touch and bonding, we explore the art of baby massage, a beautiful way to create cherished moments and enhance your baby's well-being.
Baby massage offers a soothing remedy for a variety of discomforts that infants commonly experience during their early months of life. It can provide relief from colic and gas by aiding digestion, expelling trapped air, and promoting nerve connections between the stomach and brain. Additionally, it can ease teething pain by massaging the mouth and gums, as well as help alleviate colds and congestion by facilitating the removal of nasal mucus.
Massage plays a pivotal role in promoting relaxation, not just for your baby but for you as a parent as well. When you massage your baby, their body releases hormones such as prolactin and oxytocin, often referred to as "feel-good hormones."This process aids in creating a sense of comfort and relaxation for your baby, helping them adapt to a more peaceful state. Moreover, by observing you in a relaxed state during the massage, your baby learns valuable lessons in relaxation, enhancing their ability to cope with stimulating environments and process information effectively.
Stimulation and Development
Baby massage stimulates the skin and is crucial for infant development, mirroring natural behaviors in many mammals. It promotes healthy brain-to-body communication and can reduce colic and overstimulation. Skin stimulation also prevents cell degeneration, fostering healthier development.
Bonding is a profound, biologically ingrained process between parents and their babies. It develops over time through shared experiences and is essential for mutual acceptance and meeting the baby's needs. Strong bonds benefit the baby's well-being and contribute to the mother's postpartum health.
By incorporating baby massage into your routine, you can stimulate your baby's development and strengthen your emotional connection, creating a nurturing environment for growth and bonding.
Acute infections
Undiagnosed lumps and bumps
Contagious diseases
Serious skin complaints
Varicose veins
As a dedicated massage therapist, I want to ensure the safety and well-being of both you and your baby.
There are circumstances when it would not be appropriate to massage your baby. If your baby is experiencing any of the following conditions, it is advisable to refrain from giving them a massage:
Eczema - Baby Massage is contraindicated if the eczema is weeping or infected. Your baby's safety and comfort are of utmost importance, and you should always prioritize their well-being when considering Baby Massage. Please consult with your healthcare provider if you have any concerns or questions regarding the suitability of Baby Massage for your specific situation.
Congenital heart condition
Heart Murmur
Congenital dislocation of the hip
Spastic conditions
Personalised one-to-one baby massage sessions.
An inclusive environment for both parents to participate.
Series of 2 to 3 meetings, adaptable to baby's comfort.
Attentive to baby's cues and preferences during the session.
Use of baby massage oil for a soothing experience.
Visual handouts for practice and continued use at home.
Guidance for safe and high-quality massage techniques.
Recent surgery
Open sores
Less than 72 hours after immunisation
Recent haemorrhage
Childhood leukemia
Baby Massage offers a range of benefits to explore
What to expect during Baby Massage
Important Factors and Contraindications to consider before Baby Massage
Conditions that may require G.P. referral​